NFT egg-collection to protect the traditional folk art of Transcarpathia.
We digitalized a special tradition of war-torn Ukraine to make it eternal, believing that the painted eggs of Transcarpathia could become a symbol of life. Buy one through Rarible and help us keep the tradition of Salánk alive.

There are certain traditions that hold a special place in people’s hearts,
depending on where you are in the world. In Transcarpathia, it’s Easter.
A Christian celebration of hope, which sadly is in high demand these days.
During Easter, folks paint eggs since time immemorial. It’s not just a hobby
to them, it’s their expression.
Their art and identity, which is even more important in times of hardship.
And one of the most beautiful example for this is the painted eggs of Salánk, handcrafted wonders of folk art, which we aimed to protect with this mission.

As a destructive and unconceivable war sweeps through the country, we wanted to help the people of Salánk in protecting their customs and traditions. Their Identity. With this goal in mind, we teamed up with 2 ladies from Salánk, Ida Ádám and Ida Jana, versed in the world of egg paintings, and turned to the digital world of NFT’s to immortalize their folk art. We made the collection available for purchase on Rarible and all proceeds will go towards helping the people of Transcarpathia.
In times like these, it’s important to save what we can. Even traditions. Especially traditions.
We sought out two traditional artists, Jana Ida and Ádám Ida, and asked them to create a 5-piece painted egg collection.
We digitized these eggs with a 3D scanning technology, taking extra care to preserve every detail, every little crevice.
After digitizing, we uploaded the collection to Rarible.
All proceeds will be donated to charity, supporting the people of Transcarpathia.
nft collection
These are the 5 pieces of original art, made by Ida Ádám and Ida Jana, digitized and published by us. The original eggs will be further immortalized as the Hungarian Museum of Ethnography will make them a part of their collection.

“Krisztus feltámadt” Christ Has Risen Egg
Traditional painted egg with tulip motifs and the words: „Christ Has Risen”, made by Ida Ádám from Salánk, transformed into a digital piece of art
When buying this piece, you also receive a personal audio message from Ida Ádám in the form of an audiovisual postcard. All proceeds go towards supporting Transcarpathia.
This NFT egg is open for bids on Rarible.

“Rácsos” Lattice Egg
Traditional painted egg with lattice and leafy motifs, made by Ida Jana from Salánk, transformed into a digital piece of art.
When buying a piece from the limited edition, you also receive a message from Ida Jana in the form of a digital postcard. All proceeds go towards supporting Transcarpathia.
Check the 5-piece NFT collection on Rarible.

“Kacskaringós” Winding Egg
Traditional painted egg with folk motifs, made by Ida Ádám from Salánk, transformed into a digital piece of art.
When buying a piece from the limited edition, you also receive a message from Ida Ádám in the form of a digital postcard. All proceeds go towards supporting Transcarpathia.
Check the 5-piece NFT collection on Rarible.

“Margarétás” Daisy Egg
Traditional painted egg with flower motifs, made by Ida Jana from Salánk, transformed into a digital piece of art.
When buying a piece from the limited edition, you also receive a message from Ida Jana in the form of a digital postcard. All proceeds go towards supporting Transcarpathia.
Check the 5-piece NFT collection on Rarible.

"Leveles" Leafy Egg
Traditional painted egg with leafy motifs, made by Ida Jana from Salánk, transformed into a digital piece of art.
When buying a piece from the limited edition, you also receive a message from Ida Jana in the form of a digital postcard. All proceeds go towards supporting Transcarpathia.
Check the 5-piece NFT collection on Rarible.
Réka Kész, a doctoral student of History and Ethnology at the University of Debrecen, a researcher of traditional painted eggs of Salánk. Réka is an immeasurable help since the beginning, familiarizing us with the traditions of Salánk and helping us in the preservation.
If you’d like to know more about the traditional painted eggs of Salánk, look for Réka’s upcoming book, titled: „Ha betérek, tojást kérek” Painted eggs in Salánk!